Salesforce Username Naming Convention

Christian Eichhorn
2 min readJun 7, 2022

I was recently invited to a new Salesforce project and this was my Salesforce Welcome Email, to the project was looking like:

The Salesforce Welcome Email for every new user, with the individual username.

Of course, the username immediately caught my eye.

  1. The username is not aligned with the customer domain “pearsonspecterlitt“
  2. The username ends with “”.

Respectively most other usernames were also not aligned at all:

Usernames were created without any guidelines or naming conventions

1. Issue - Username was taken

Since the username “” was already taken for our own Salesforce Environment, therefore the Salesforce Administrator was ‘creative’ and used the username “”.

Keep the username for your own Salesforce Environment, even if it’s not yet taken.

2. Issue - The customer is hard to be identified

Whenever Salesforce sends you an E-Mail, you will hardly know, to which Salesforce Org. / Environment this belongs.

My Recommendation

The Customers Domain is defined in the Salesforce Setup, within the
“My Domain” Setting, this should be the default domain for every! username, even externals.

The My Domain Settings
Browser URL with the My Domain Name

Even though several external companies are working within one Salesforce Environment, all usernames should be aligned.

So after 10min of work, all usernames have been changed and are now aligned to the customer’s domain we are all working for, except the inactive username were not changed.

Cleaned & aligned usernames


Keep in mind that customers can have Sandboxes too, so the recommendation on Salesforce usernames on this would then be username+Sandboxname:




Christian Eichhorn

Salesforce Enthusiasts since 2014 — Hobbies: KPIs, SSO & MFA